Area Resources

Savannah Bay Homeowners Resources

Take a stroll through some of the area resources we have and local businesses that may maximize your Savannah Bay experience! Listed below are some links we think will be helpful (or at least interesting) to you.  Check this area often for new links and information.

Please let us know  if you know of other links to area suppliers or resources.


Area Resources

Thurmond Lake Information – Activities – Events

Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce

Washington, Georgia Website

Thurmond Lake Army Corp of Engineers

Balancing the Basin

Lincoln County Football – Red Devils!

Washington-Wilkes Arts Foundation

Georgia Department of  Forestry
(for burning lawn/waste materials on property)
(706) 678-2910

Savannah Bay Marketplace

O’Connor Docks
Jimmy O’Connor
1009 Mohican Court
Lincolnton, GA  30817
(706) 359-5262
Moon Contracting
3042 Chamberlain Ferry Rd.
Lincolnton, GA  30817
(706) 359-7459
 McKee Landscaping and Lawn Care
Design/Maintenance/Lot Clearing
Lee Builders

5828 US Hwy. 378 W
McCormick, SC 29835

(864) 391-5500

 LeRoy’s Plumbing and Electric
